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  • Synopsis of Psychiatry 12

TEST BANK KAPLAN AND SADOCK'S SYNOPSIS OF PSYCHIATRY 11TH EDITIONChapter 1: Neural Sciences ................................................................................................................. 2 Chapter 2: Contributions of the Psychosocial Sciences ......................................

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  • kaplan and sadocks synopsis of psychiatry

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Book Title:Synopsis of Psychiatry 12 Author(s):BOLAND Edition:2014 ISBN:9781609139711 Edition:Unknown
  • COMPLETE TEST BANK FOR: Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry Eleventh Edition by Benjamin J. Sadock Latest Update.

  • TEST BANK FOR: Kaplan And Sadock's Synopsis Of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/ Clinical Psychiatry Eleventh Edition By Benjamin J. Sadock Latest Update.

  • TEST BANK FOR: Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry Eleventh Edition by Benjamin J. Sadock Latest Update.

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Chapter 1: Neural Sciences ................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 2: Contributions of the Psychosocial Sciences ....................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: Contributions of the Sociocultural Sciences ........................................................................ 8
Chapter 4: Theories of Personality and Psychopathology .................................................................. 11
Chapter 5: Examination and Diagnosis of the Psychiatric Patient ...................................................... 15
Chapter 6: Classification in Psychiatry ............................................................................................... 20
Chapter 7: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders ................................................. 24
Chapter 8: Mood Disorders................................................................................................................ 30
Chapter 9: Anxiety Disorders ............................................................................................................. 37
Chapter 10: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders............................................................... 40
Chapter 11: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders ....................................................................... 45
Chapter 12: Dissociative Disorders .................................................................................................... 47
Chapter 13: Psychosomatic Medicine ................................................................................................ 51
Chapter 14: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia ................................................................. 54
Chapter 15: Feeding and Eating Disorders ........................................................................................ 54
Chapter 16: Normal Sleep and Sleep-Wake Disorders ...................................................................... 59
Chapter 17: Normal Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions .................................................................... 62
Chapter 18: Gender Dysphoria .......................................................................................................... 65
Chapter 19: Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders ...................................................... 70
Chapter 20: Substance Use and Addictive Disorders ......................................................................... 73
Chapter 21: Neurocognitive Disorders ............................................................................................... 78
Chapter 22: Personality Disorders ..................................................................................................... 83
Chapter 23: Emergency Psychiatric Medicine.................................................................................... 88
Chapter 24: Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Psychiatry ................................................. 93
Chapter 25: Other Conditions that May be a Focus of Clinical Attention ............................................ 96
Chapter 26: Physical and Sexual Abuse of Adults............................................................................ 101
Chapter 27: Psychiatry and Reproductive Medicine ......................................................................... 106
Chapter 28: Psychotherapies .......................................................................................................... 111
Chapter 29: Psychopharmacological Treatment .............................................................................. 118
Chapter 30: Brain Stimulation Methods ........................................................................................... 124
Chapter 31: Child Psychiatry ........................................................................................................... 127
Chapter 32: Adulthood ..................................................................................................................... 131
Chapter 33: Geriatric Psychiatry ...................................................................................................... 136
Chapter 34: End of Life Issues......................................................................................................... 137
Chapter 35: Public Psychiatry.......................................................................................................... 141
Chapter 36: Forensic Psychiatry and Ethics in Psychiatry ............................................................... 144
Chapter 37: World Aspects of Psychiatry ......................................................................................... 147

, Chapter 1: Neural Sciences

1. A patient with depression mentions to the nurse, My mother says depression is a
chemical disorder. What does she mean? The nurses response is based on the theory
thatdepression primarily involves which of the following neurotransmitters?
1. Cortisol and GABA
2. COMT and glutamate
3. Monamine and glycine
4. Serotonin and norepinephrine

2. A patient has experienced a stroke (cerebral vascular accident) that has resulted
indamage to the Broca area. Which evaluation does the nurse conduct to reinforce this
1. Observing the patient pick up a spoon
2. Asking the patient to recite the alphabet
3. Monitoring the patients blood pressure
4. Comparing the patients grip strength in both hands

3. The patient diagnosed with schizophrenia asks why psychotropic medications are
alwaysprescribed by the doctor. The nurses answer will be based on information that the
therapeutic action of psychotropic drugs is the result of their effect on:
1. The temporal lobe; especially Wernickes area
2. Dendrites and their ability to transmit electrical impulses
3. The regulation of neurotransmitters especially dopamine
4. The peripheral nervous system sensitivity to the psychotropic medications

4. A student nurse mutters that it seems entirely unnecessary to have to struggle with
understanding the anatomy and physiology of the neurologic system. The mentor would base
aresponse on the understanding that it is:
1. Necessary but generally for psychiatric nurses who focus primarily
onbehavioral interventions
1. A complex undertaking that advance practice psychiatric nurses frequently use
intheir practice
1. Important primarily for the nursing assessment of patients with brain
traumacaused cognitive symptoms
1. Necessary for planning psychiatric care for all patients especially
thoseexperiencing psychiatric disorders
5. A patient asks the nurse, My wife has breast cancer. Could it be caused by her
chronicdepression? Which response is supported by research data?
1. Too much stress has been proven to cause all kinds of cancer.
2. There have been no research studies done on stress and disease yet.
3. Stress does cause the release of factors that suppress the immune system.
4. There appears to be little connection between stress and diseases of the body

6. A patient who has a parietal lobe injury is being evaluated for psychiatric rehabilitation
Of the aspects of functioning listed, which will the nurse identify as a focus of nursing

, 1. Expression of emotion
2. Detecting auditory stimuli
3. Receiving visual images
4. Processing associations

7. At admission, the nurse learns that some time ago the patient had an infarct in the
rightcerebral cortex. During assessment, the nurse would expect to find that the patient:
1. Demonstrates major deficiencies in speech
2. Is unable to effectively hold a spoon in the left hand
3. Has difficulty explaining how to go about using the telephone

8. A patient with chronic schizophrenia had a stroke involving the hippocampus. The
patient will be discharged on low doses of haloperidol. The nurse will need to individualize
the patients medication teaching by:
1. Including the patients caregiver in the education
2. Being careful to stress the importance of taking the medication as prescribed 3.
Providing the education at a time when the patient is emotionally
calmand relaxed
1. Encouraging the patient to crush or dissolve the medication to help

9. The physician tells the nurse, The medication Im prescribing for the patient enhances
thegaminobutyric acid (GABA) system. Which patient behavior will provide evidence that the
medication therapy is successful?
1. The patient is actively involved in playing cards with other patients.
2. The patient reports that, I dont feel as anxious as I did a couple of days ago.
3. The patient reports that both auditory and visual hallucinations have decreased.
4. The patient says that, I am much happier than before I came to the hospital.
10. The patients family asks whether a diagnosis of Parkinsons disease creates an increased
risk for any mental health issues. What question would the nurse ask to assess for such a
comorbid condition?
1. Has your father exhibited any signs of depression?
2. Does your father seem to experience mood swings?
3. Have you noticed your father talking about seeing things you cant see?
4. Is your dad preoccupied with behaviors that he needs to repeat over and over?

11. Which explanation for the prescription of donepezil (Aricept) would the nurse provide for
a patient in the early stage of Alzheimers
1. It will increase the metabolism of excess GABA.
2. Excess dopamine will be prevented from attaching to receptor sites.
3. Serotonin deficiency will be managed through a prolonged reuptake period.
4. The acetylcholine deficiency will be managed by inhibiting cholinesterase.

12. There remains a stigma attached to psychiatric illnesses. The psychiatric nurse makes
thegreatest impact on this sociological problem when:
1. Providing educational programming for patients and the public
2. Arranging for adequate and appropriate social support for the patient
3. Assisting the patient to achieve the maximum level of independent functioning 4.

, Regularly praising the patient for seeking and complying with
appropriate treatment

13. The wife of a patient with paranoid schizophrenia tells the nurse, Ive learned that my
husband has several close relatives with the same disorder. Does this problem run in
families?The response based on recent discoveries in the field of genetics would be:
1. Your children should be monitored closely for the disorder.
2. Research tends to support a familiar tendency to schizophrenia.
3. There is no concrete evidence; it is just as likely a coincidence.
4. Only bipolar disorder has been identified to have a genetic component.

14. A patient whose symptoms of mild depression have been managed with antidepressants
isconcerned about the affect of accepting a promotion that will require working the night shift.
What will be the basis of the response the nurse gives to address the patients concern?
1. The connection between a new job and possible depression does exist.
2. The medication can be adjusted to manage any increase in depression.
3. The interruption in normal wake-sleep patterns can influence mood disorders. 4. The
change in sleep routine can be managed with a healthy sleep hygiene routine.

15. The nurse is discouraged because the patient exhibiting negative symptoms
of schizophrenia has shown no improvement with the planned interventions to reduce
thesymptoms. The mentors remark that helps place the problem in perspective is:
1. You arent responsible for the behavior of any other person.
2. Patients can be perverse and cling to symptoms despite our efforts.
3. Negative symptoms have been associated with genetic pathology.
4. It will take several trail and error attempts to get the right combination care.

1. What assessment data would reinforce the diagnosis of temporal lobe injury
inpatient who experienced head trauma? Select all that apply.
1. Inability to balance a checkbook
2. Uncharacteristically aggressive
3. Affect fluctuates dramatically
4. Increased interest in sexual behaviors
5. Difficulty remembering the names of family members

2. A patient has begun experiencing dysfunction of the hypothalamus. What
nursinginterventions will the nurse include in the patients plan of care? Select all that
1. Reinforcing clear physical boundaries
2. Assisting the patient with completing daily menus
3. Learning about healthy sleep hygiene habits
4. Monitoring and recording temperature every 4 hours
5. Monitoring and recording blood pressure every 4 hours

3. The nurse is preparing a patient for a positron emission tomography (PET) scan.
Whichinstructions will the nurse include? Select all that apply.
1. There will likely be a 30 to 45 minute wait between the injection and the
beginning of the scan.



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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.